Finca La Colina & Canajal de Medina

Updated - 1/31/2024

Lot Info:


La Cooperativa San Martin Jilotepeque (COSAMAJ)

Farmer’s Names


San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala


Fully Washed, Dry Fermentation, Patio Dried, 15+ European Preparation

Elevation & Varietals

+1,700m Bourbon & Caturra

Cupping Notes:

Baked Brownie, Apple Pie Cookie, Honey Walnuts, Heavier Creamy Body, & Almond Toffee Finish.


83 - (69KG) Bags Houston Dupuy

Finca La Colina/Canajal De Medina:

Antonio Medina, or Tony as he prefers to be called, has been producing specialty-grade exportable crops for years and even entered a couple of lots in the Guatemalan Cup of Excellence in 2015. When we first met Tony in 2018, his coffees were being sold by Madcap in Grand Rapids, MI even though the exporter relationship wasn’t a good one.

Since then, he’s been a huge backbone to COSAMAJ. Since many of the members behind COSAMAJ don’t own wet mills, Tony has given the cooperative full permission to use his wet mill. It’s a mutually beneficial type of scenario but not many established farmers offer up this level of assistance to smallholder farming cooperatives. It’s one of the reasons we love being able to buy one of his lots alongside the other three cooperative lots, Magnolia, El Sapito, & El Carrizal.

Now that we’ve cupped his coffees for four years in a row, this lot has consistently offered a bigger body profile with nice approachable graham cracker and orange citrus notes. Amongst the roasters we work with, it’s been a fan favorite for most espresso blends and wholesale drip coffees for its easy drinking and enjoyable profile.

Canajal de Medina/Finca La Colina receives its name from a geographical region of Jilotepeque called Canajal de Medina. As COSAMAJ, they liked the idea of separating out lots by the various geographical regions in Jilotepeque; which is where the other names, Magnolia and El Sapito, come from as well.

Reach out if you’d like to learn more!