Gesha Forest: Finca La Hermosa

Ethiopian Natural Organic Gesha

Updated - 1/30/2024

Lot Info:


Max Fernando Pérez Ríos of Finca La Hermosa


Acatenango, Guatemala


Natural Process, Floated & Screened, Solar Dried, 15+ Specialty Preparation 0 Defect Count



Cupping Notes:

Floral Raspberry Dates/Fig. Herbal Keemun Black Tea, Sweet & Light Cherry Finish. 


4 - (30KG) Boxes @ (Ryan’s Home-Office in KC)

This is perhaps one of the more exciting and yet difficult coffee to explain because an Ethiopian Gesha Lot coming from Guatemala doesn’t make a lot of sense up front until you start to explain Max & Claudia’s side-project farm called Gesha Forest.

There’s a section within Finca La Hermosa that’s naturally forested. It’s there where you’ll find plants that are growing as if they were all along, naturally planted, and natively growing. Except they weren’t!

A few years ago, Max and Claudia traveled to various parts of the world and decided to buy Gesha seeds from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Panama, and from Huehuetenango, Guatemala all with the idea to apply their expertise in coffee processing the the best of these various Gesha genealogical seeds native to 4 quite different geographical regions.

For us, as Collaborative Origins Imports, we rarely buy coffees above $8 because we’re often focused in on supporting smallholder producers and moving more volume coffees at approachable and honorable pricepoints. But when it came time to cup through the 16 Auctions lots, I kept falling back to this lot.

Despite behind heavily focused in Guatemalan coffees, Ethiopian coffees are secretly my personal favorite. They tend to be floral, herbal, great complexities, and with the occasional blueberry bomb here or there. Although Yemen might actually be the “true” origin place of coffee recently discovered, it’s hard to compete with a great Ethiopian coffee.

When cupping this lot, it shocked us to taste and really experience the attributes commonly known to Ethiopian coffees in a coffee that was grown and processed in Guatemala. I tend to believe in the influecne of processing over varietal but these series of lots really proved that notion incorrect.

Without further adiue, we’re honord to introduce our 1st ever auction lot! Finca La Hermosa’s Gesha Forest: Ethiopian Natural Organic Gesha!