Finca La Hermosa

Natural Pacamara

Updated - 1/31/2024

Lot Info:


Max Fernando Pérez Ríos/La Hermosa Cooperative


Acatenango, Guatemala


Natural Process, Floated & Screened, Solar Dried, 15+ Specialty Preparation



Cupping Notes:

Whisky, Hot Cocoa, Wild Blackberry Pop-Tarts, Red-Wine. Cherries & Purple Grapes. Subtle citric acidity as cools.


SOLD OUT - (30KG) Bags Houston Dupuy

This is our now third year purchasing this lot from Max at Finca La Hermosa. For the 2020-2021 harvest, we purchased 10 bags which sold out quicker than we had planned. When the opportunity presented itself to purchase more the following year, Max asked if we’d be interested in buying the entire lot. This 50 (30kg) bag lot represents the entirety of Max’s Pacamara Natural lot that La Hermosa processes each year.

In the 2020 Cup of Excellence, this same lot won 9th place alongside another of Max’s coffees which won 2nd place.

These awards have been a significant achievement for Max and Finca La Hermosa. It signifies their success in being able to raise up an abandoned farm and then get to the level where they’re now producing COE-level coffees all within 10 years’ time. It’s really quite amazing and I can’t fathom the amount of work it’s taken.

As Collaborative Origins Imports, we’ve predominately only bought coffees from smallholder farmers. It’s where we got our start and where our heart dwells most. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that we’re not open to supporting more established producers. Especially when they’ve got the hard work, character, and vision like Max.

I say all that to share that we’ve never bought super fancy high-scoring coffees before. When I asked Max if he had anything in the $5 FOB range, he offered us this lot; which had won the 9th place COE the year previously. I was surprised and honored to take on this coffee.

For us, it’s such unique coffee that it’s possible to believe it’s not coffee at all. It tastes like a smooth black tea with blueberry & fig notes. (When roasted lighter and brewed well, there are some hints of strawberry sweetness too.)

Now that we have more availability this year, let us know if you’d like samples.